Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What a life...

I figured since my blogs have been lacking and no one reads them anyway i might as well just wait until something exciting happens. The picture that your seeing above has everything to do with this post. I have an awesome privelge of seeing "the band" aka. The Verity when and wherever they play...and tagging along and acting all cool about know the whole " I date the lead singer feeling..."

Sure they look like some teenage garage band....and yeah to an extent that's what they are. More than that, being as young as they are...have an amazing sound. From what i hear, they're some of the most talented musicians in the area...and not being biast at all I would agree HANDS DOWN! I love being able to go and watch them play...even if it's at the local venue or a church or a huge stage with tons of "important" people. Maybe i just love them because my boyfriend is in it....or because all the guys girlfriends are super sweet...or because you can't help but smile at the songs and be proud of every single one of them.... even though all those excuses were true.... I think these boys have something going on.

In the next few weeks they will be recording their first ep it will have maybe 7 or 8 songs on it and i know they're pumped. I know i'm ready for it to be done so i can listen to it every morning on my way to school...or anywhere i go...ha. All the guys have so much support coming from everywhere and i mean everywhere. It can be very discouraging when you have to break down Jeremy Camp's equipment unitl 1 o'clock in the morning... just because you were the "opening band" but the guys did it with a smile hoping they would get to come back again next year. That's dedication right there. there's my spill about my boy's band.... i think there awesome, and hilarious, anytime i'm not laughing when they are all around....we have a big problem. These are the boys your momma would want you to bring home for Dinner...ya know what i mean....

i have a few videos of my own but there not so good haha so i encourage you to go watch this one

and thought you might want to see....this sweet picture after they played with Jeremy Camp...were looking a little bit rough


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


today I have never been so proud to say i am a Rebel...

Today as i walked the halls at my high school i have never felt so humbled, or in better words...such a somber feeling. Yesterday, we lost a student from our high school in a car accident, although, i did not know him or the other two boys in the vehicle it still sends chills down my arms... to know how precious life is.

Yesterday, it was announced around Lunch time that Zach Stamper had passed away...and at this point i've never heard a room so quiet in my life, as i sat in the cafeteria with hundreds of students surrounding me...not one of us said a word. There was no motion, it was a complete standstill. All i could seem to think about were the families and how they felt... after school had ended almost everyone in the school gathered around a common place the "flag pole" as you can see above in the picture it was packed...the sense of peace everyone had was overwhelming. Just to know that i go to a school that will pray together is an amazing matter what group of friends you hang out with what kind of car you drive we were all gathered as a school as a family and a shelter of love and support for those who needed it most, and at that time needless to say i was so proud to say that's my high school and i was so proud of everyone who was there.

I have never been so thankful to see the people i care for most and love most... to know that your life is not in your hands, your days are numbered... in these times of trouble that these famalies and friends are hurting, hurts me. I have no idea where these boys stood in their faith or what they believed but i pray that Zach is with Jesus and his hope for eternity was redeemed. As for all of us out there who know where you will be when you die, it's such a peaceful feeling right? the thought that someday i will be making that Run that sprint up into Jesus' arms is amazing so i hope that if you haven't made that dash that sprint or the run....that you soon will. Because right here and now is the time you have...i hope that you can experience the feeling of peace knowing that someday you will leap into the arms of God and know it's going to be alright.

For all the famlies and friends, you all are in my prayers.

" The only desire that is infallibly fulfilled is the desire to be loved by God." - Thomas Merton

-- Morgan

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The blogging world...

ok so...

I have conformed into the blogging world, i know it's sad...but i just couldn't help myself. Please, forgive me if i can't seem to figure this thing out... I had my boyfriend make it for me....plain pitiful.